I just compiled instruction on using tweepy with python 3 on windows machine:
1. I assume you have already installed python 3.1 on your windows machine and its located in C:\Python31. If not: please download and install it.
2. As with Linux example above download Tweepy for Python 3
3. To extract tar.gz file on windows machine download 7zip from 7-zip.org and install it.
4. Download distribute_setup.py and double click on it to install.
5. Create C:\tweepy directory
6. Open 7-zip GUI and navigate to the location of downloaded tweepy-1.4-py3.tar.gz . Click on it to open, then click on the .tar file inside it to get access to content. Extract contents of the .tar file to C:\tweepy
7. To properly set python variable on windows machine go to: My Computer(right click) -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables.
If you have PATH variable there, click Edit and add following to the line: ;C:\Python31 (note the semicolon in front of C)
If you don't have PATH variable there, click New, Variable Name: PATH, Variable Value: C:\Python31(no semicolon this time) OK your way out of variables.
8. Open your command prompt: Start -> Run... -> type "cmd" (do not include parentheses, they are only to refer to command"
9. Navigate to C:\tweepy where we previously extracted tweepy content by typing "cd C:\tweepy"
10. Install tweepy for Python 3 on windows by issuing "python setup.py install"
11. Now you can use tweepy with Python 3 on your Windows machine. I just tested it and it works.
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